Speech pathology, feeding and mealtime support for children and their families.

I provide mobile (in-home) and telehealth services for speech and language difficulties, stuttering and literacy intervention, as well as feeding and mealtime support. I am based on the Gold Coast and can provide services Australia-wide via telehealth.



As a parent myself, I understand how worrying it can be to see your child experiencing challenges.

If you are concerned about your child’s speech, you may:

  • feel as though your friends and family can’t understand your child’s needs,

  • find yourself translating on behalf of your child or

  • be feeling guilty that your child is not meeting their milestones at the same pace as their peers. 

While, if your child is experiencing feeding challenges, you may:

  • find mealtimes are a stressful time for both you and your child,

  • feel a range of emotions including frustration and concern,

  • feel judgment from others about your child’s eating preferences or

  • worry that your child isn’t getting the nutrition they need to thrive. 

Gold Coast Feeding and Speech therapy, mobile speech therapy

These are all very normal feelings to experience. My approach extends to working with your child’s village, and that often includes helping both you (as the parent or caregiver) and your child. I do this by providing you with strategies and techniques to support your child's development at home, at school and in other social settings. 

I also value connecting with other important people in your child’s village such as their occupational therapist, dietitian, educators or paediatrician. We work together to improve your child’s communication skills, boost their confidence, and support their overall development.

I offer both a mobile (in-home) and telehealth option for services. This means no waiting rooms, no waking younger siblings from their naps, and most importantly the opportunity to interact with your child in their natural environment.

My approach empowers families to understand and take control, while feeling supported in their speech and feeding therapy journey.

Get in touch

Speech & Language

Comprehensive assessment of speech and language skills with fun and engaging intervention tailored to your child’s individual needs.


Assessment and intervention for pre-schoolers and teenagers who stutter using gold standard treatment approaches.

Literacy (Reading & Writing)

Phonological awareness and literacy assessment and intervention for school age children experiencing reading and writing difficulties, including children with dyslexia.

Feeding & Mealtimes

Speech Pathologists have a unique understanding of the mouth structure, the sensory and motor skills required for chewing and swallowing and the ways that feeding and/or swallowing problems can occur. I have additional training in various approaches to support children who have aversions or sensory difficulties with certain types of foods.

Starting Solids

I can help get you set up and prepared to make the introduction to solids enjoyable for both you and baby. I will guide you in optimal positioning, education about common allergy foods, reading your baby’s feeding cues, portion sizes, avoiding fussy eating behaviours and more.